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Li-Fi 101: Understanding the Mechanism Behind Wireless Communication through Light

When you speak of Li-Fi, which is short for Light Fidelity, is an exciting and wonderful tech that uses light to transmit data wirelessly. Yes, if you are still thinking what is Lifi, it is simply like Wi-Fi, but rather than radio waves, it makes use of light waves to send and receive data. Below you will know how Li-Fi works and why it is turning out to be a well-known choice for wireless communication.

Li-Fi explained in simple words

Li-Fi works by making use of special lights called light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to send data. These LEDs blink quite fast, too fast for people to see. The blinking sends information, which a receiver just like a photodiode sensor picks up and turns into effective useful data.

The working of life 

Here are some points that quickly take you through its working:

  • Light carries it 

In Li-Fi, you know light carries the data rather than radio waves like in Wi-Fi. Light can go via clear things like glass, so Li-Fi acts well inside places like offices, even homes, and classrooms.

  • LED Bulbs Are like Transmitters 

In Li-Fi, LED bulbs simply send out data. You can easily find these bulbs in lights and lamps. By changing how bright they simply shine, LED bulbs can just place data into the light and send it to devices like laptops, smartphones, and tablets that have Li-Fi.

  • Quick Photodiode Sensors Are Receivers 

Li-Fi devices possess special sensors called photodiode sensors that catch the data that LED bulbs send. These sensors notice once the light from the bulb changes, turning it into signals that the device can understand and even make use of.

Quick Advantages of Li-Fi

There are manifold advantages and some can be like:

  • Quicker Data Speeds 

Li-Fi can simply send data way faster than regular Wi-Fi. Light waves move swifter than radio waves. Hence, the data travels faster via Li-Fi.

  • Immense Bandwidth 

Light waves can easily carry more data at once in comparison to radio waves, giving you more space to send information. This means lots of devices can easily and effectively connect at the same time in the absence of making the internet sluggish or slow down.

  • Boosts Security 

Since the light waves can’t go through walls like radio waves, Li-Fi is somewhat safer from outside meddling. It is why people choose it for places like banks, hospitals, and government offices, in which keeping data private is immensely important. You cannot afford to take any risks with the data security.

  • Dropped Electromagnetic Interference 

Li-Fi acts by using the light you can see, and it does not get messed up by electromagnetic interference. It means in busy places with lots of people, there would be less chance of the signal getting mixed up, making wireless communication more reliable.


So, since you know much about how lifi works and more, you must be clear by now that Li-Fi is a great new way for wireless communication using light. It is efficient, has more space for data, is safer, and even possess less interference if you compare it to regular Wi-Fi.

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